Is the transition to harm-reduced nicotine products inevitable?

Time: 4:00 pm - 4:15 pm

Date: May 14 2024

may-14-2024 16:00 may-14-2024 16:15 Europe/London Is the transition to harm-reduced nicotine products inevitable?

In this presentation, Professor Ron Borland will question if the conventional goal of many in public health to eliminate all nicotine use is achievable, and whether a transition to the use of harm-reduced nicotine products is inevitable.  Furthermore, given the enormous cost of smoking, should governments look to facilitate this transition rather than inhibit it?… Read more »

The E-Cigarette Summit USA

In this presentation, Professor Ron Borland will question if the conventional goal of many in public health to eliminate all nicotine use is achievable, and whether a transition to the use of harm-reduced nicotine products is inevitable.  Furthermore, given the enormous cost of smoking, should governments look to facilitate this transition rather than inhibit it?

Prof Borland will present data, specifically looking at levels of smoking in young adults in countries where they have been exposed to strong anti-smoking messages all of their lives, including countries such as Australia, where access to vaping products is technically illegal.  Prof Borland will examine the potency of conventional tobacco control armoury tools, such as health warnings and price, both before and after vaping started to become popular.  Finally,  given the enormous costs of allowing people to continue to smoke, or effectively forcing them to because of a lack of access to viable alternatives, Prof Borland will consider the frameworks that will most rapidly achieve a transition away from smoked tobacco, while at the same time minimizing the inevitable use by adolescence.


  • Prof Ron Borland Professor of Psychology - Health Behaviour - School of Psychology, Deakin University

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