The Vape Shop Experience
Time: 2:15 pm - 2:30 pm
Date: May 17 2022
In this session Marc Slis will describe how his independent vapor industry shop such has evolved and it’s unique role within his community. The session will explore how the regulatory environment has impacted his ability to operate and most importantly his ability to help current smokers move towards becoming smokefree. The foundation of the services… Read more »
The E-Cigarette Summit USAIn this session Marc Slis will describe how his independent vapor industry shop such has evolved and it’s unique role within his community. The session will explore how the regulatory environment has impacted his ability to operate and most importantly his ability to help current smokers move towards becoming smokefree. The foundation of the services is recognizing that each potential client is a unique individual, determining their specific needs and unique circumstances as they relate to tobacco use and cessation. Marc Slis was a smoker for 41 years, unable to quit he intimately knew the futility of trying to force a round peg into a square hole. His method is to individually carve the best fitting hole for each client that walks in to his shop and treat them as a human being throughout the process. No matter how long it takes. No lies. No Shame, judgement, penalties or exclusion. There are no rules and no limits, only guidelines suggestions and encouragement.
- Marc Slis Vape Shop Owner - Vaper & Former Smoker - Onboard Seismic QC
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